Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's been a while guys and gals...

(I know no one reads this fucking blog, it's terrible, and hasn't been updated in close to a year now)

What kind of thought provoking ideas can I write here? I know a good place to start. Religion.


Everyone, to me at least, seems to be a total pansy when it comes to "worshipping". I mean, getting on your knees, and shouting out "oh lord, oh jesus, praise be," seems kind of like they're getting ready to open their mouths and let God's chode rape their mouths. The thing that bothers me the most about religious people (I see this mostly in christians, but I'm sure they're not the only group with people like this) is that they cannot take any responsibility for anything that they do and/or say. I remember watching this show on TLC that documented the lives of these people who won $40 million in a lottery, and of course there had to be some fat black woman who shop all day and spend litterally thousands of dollars in less then an hour, even though one of them is a fucking minister, and then she'll spout out something like "I know it's unchristian-like for me to be doing this, but because I'm such an ugly, gapped tooth, stupid bitch, that I'll keep coming up with excuses not to give to charities."


People don't realize that it doesn't matter what religion you follow, we're all ass holes. That is why I do not in anyway, trust organized religion, because as far as I have seen, and experienced, religion is nothing more then a control mechanism for people to fucking lazy to form their own ideas and to take responsibility for anything that happens to them (I seem to be using the word "responsibility a lot don't I?). What I mean is, people seem to like to drop to their knees, and "pray" for something good to happen to them, instead of actually going and making it happen. Recently I got in the mail a letter from this church (it's 57 years old) with a picture of jesus crying, telling me that if I send them money, god will "bless" me with more (by bless they mean you'll win the lottery because they've got a testimonial from some nigra saying "god gave me $40,000 so I bought gold teffuses for me and my family). I find it hillarious that all the things people seem to be asking god for are shallow materialistic needs (no wounder he ignores these ass bags?).


What ever happened to peace, and love? Not asking for money, or "healing" (I was in Okeechobee where I saw a group of people trying to "cure" a retard of his "dreaded alment" because obviously the devil had inhabbited his "soul" and caused this to him, so I iddly watched as they tried to exercise the demon, trying not to laugh) people. I think it's because people are stupid and just want to fit in is why most of them practice religion (Okay, I'm not saying every religious person is stupid, just the majority).

My last problem with the whole religion thing is peoples utter inflexability for any idea that does not suit their self-serving holier-than-thou outlooks on life. Try to have any kind of debate with them about evolution and they instantly shout at you "You are the devil, I will not listen to the lies you spout, because God obviously put dinosaurs in the ground to test our faith," they just won't listen to anything else. They just believe that God is everything, and you're wrong if you disagree.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I have many of them.

Friday, February 23, 2007

FCAT blues.

I don't know about you guys, but I think the whole thing they (The tyrants that dictate our lives) FORCE us to attent is retarded, seeing as it's on an 8th grade level. Do I have any proof to support my claim? No, just my bias and my belief that this is an utter waste of time.

Seeing as the FCAT science does not even count for me towards my graduation, and that I have a well rounded knowledge of the sciences, I do not have much to worry about.

On a side note: Why the hell are the janitors at this damn school policing students? Isn't their primary objective to clean?

Thursday, February 22, 2007